It’s Been a Long Time Coming, But I Know a Change Gon’ Come

By Kenneth M. Battle and The Axelrod Firm’s Jamie L. Augustinsky 

Edited by The Axelrod Firm President Sheryl L. Axelrod and Sandy Sakamoto

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About this Article

This article, written by The Axelrod Firm lawyers Jamie L. Augustinsky and Kenneth Battle of O’Connor & Battle and edited by The Axelrod Firm’s Sheryl Axelrod and Sandy Sakamoto of LimNexus, is one (1) of an exciting five (5) article series to which the American Bar Association Woman Advocate Committee (WAC) devoted its entire summer 2021 electronic newsletter.  The pieces that make up special e-Newsletter were written by a diverse team of National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) lawyers.  The ABA Business Law Section Diversity & Inclusion Committee jointly distributed the articles as well.  The theme of the series is, “Diversity: It Makes Teams Better, featuring a diverse team of writers from the National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) member law firms.” 

This article discusses how diversity and inclusion in various forms is an excellent way to gain a competitive advantage.

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