2018 Litigation Counsel of America Peter Perlman Service Award
Litigation Counsel of America (LCA) is a by-invitation-only honorary society of top trial lawyers that accepts less than one half of one percent of American lawyers into membership, as Fellows. Fellows are nominated by other Fellows who are familiar with their work. Sheryl has been an LCA fellow for a number of years. At LCA’s Conference & Celebration of Fellows in Newport, Rhode Island, Sheryl served on a panel on, “Diversity in Leadership: The Profitability of Diversity” (pictured). During the conference, LCA awarded her a Peter Perlman Service Award (pictured) for her work on behalf of LCA and a Distinguished Speaker Award for her presentation on diversity (pictured).

2017 Yolanda Coly Advocacy Award
Firm President Sheryl Axelrod was honored with NAMWOLF’s (the National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms’) 2017 Yolanda Coly Advocacy Award. Yolanda Coly herself nominated Sheryl, as did two NAMWOLF Board of Directors members, Jamie Rudman, who presented Sheryl with the award, and John Murdock.
The Yolanda Coly Advocacy Award recognizes a person of influence with wide ranging professional connections who, through stellar advocacy, profoundly advanced NAMWOLF’s mission. Sheryl was recognized for her career-long championing of equity, equality, diversity, and inclusion.
Sheryl continues to serve as Co-Chair of the NAMWOLF Advocacy Committee and to speak about the disenfranchisement of women and minorities, unconscious bias, the profitability of diversity, and tools companies and each of us can use to become diversity champions. Watch Sheryl’s courageous award acceptance speech here, for which she was given an extended standing ovation.

Shortlisted for the Chambers Diversity Awards USA 2016
Firm President Sheryl Axelrod was among a total of 6 attorneys in the country shortlisted for the Gender Diversity Lawyer of the Year Award at the Chambers Diversity Awards USA 2016. Sheryl was recognized alongside attorneys from an array of firms for her work advocating gender diversity and equality in the legal profession.
The Chambers Diversity Awards reflect achievements in furthering the advancement of diversity within the law.

2015 Temple Law Alumni Association Women’s Champion Award
Established by Sheryl Axelrod in 2012 during her two-year term as President of the Temple Law Alumni Association (TLAA), the TLAA Women’s Champion Award honors lawyers who have dedicated their careers to fighting for gender equality. Two years after Sheryl finished her term as TLAA President, she was bestowed the TLAA 2015 Women’s Champion Award.
Sheryl was recognized for her work in founding the TLAA Women’s Initiative, her writing and public championing of women’s equality, her mentorship of junior women in the profession, and her work launching programming to advance women lawyers.
Video of Sheryl Axelrod receiving the TLAA Women’s Champion Award on June 8, 2015.

Profiles in Diversity Journal “Woman Worth Watching”
For her work as the Co-President of the Fearless Women Network, a non-profit she co-founded to shatter glass ceilings and obliterate unequal pay, Sheryl Axelrod was recognized by Profiles in Diversity Journal as a “Woman Worth Watching.”
2009 Temple Law Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award
The TLAA Distinguished Service Award recognizes those who have demonstrated a career-long dedication to serving the community and helping others through service and volunteer work. Firm President Sheryl Axelrod received this award in 2009 and has continued to volunteer her service to the community and the legal profession.